Product Testing

Overview of testing capabilities

Diversity AS has specially designed in-house facilities and instrumentation that allow us to offer a range of test capabilities at a competitive pricing.

Testing facilities available include:

Diversity AS owns a large amount of monitoring equipment for thermal evaluation tests, including thermal imaging equipment for monitoring human test subjects.

Our capabilities within thermal testing include:

We are also capable of specially designing and developing new test equipment according to specific needs. Examples of test equipment designed and built by Diversity to meet specific needs in product testing include:

For testing activities Diversity has close cooperation with a number of test houses abroad, including Force Technology (Denmark), FIOH (Finland), Fleetwood (UK), Underwriters Laboratory (USA). Diversity has performed thermal testing for these test houses.

Standards and references

See the following list of standards for further details regarding our testing capabilities.

Testing general clothing:

Testing of sleeping bags:

Testing of Camping Mattresses / Pads:

Testing of children's boots:

Thermal cylinder:

Thermal testing of immersion suits and working suits

For testing of marine immersion and working suits our capabilities include, but are not limited to, the protocols and procedures given by the following standards:

Female manikin here used during thermal testing of sleeping bag.
Testing of immersion suits in the temperature controlled indoor pool.
Thermal imaging during testing of sleeping bag.
Computer software for reading data from manikin sensors.
Thermal testing of jacket.
Manikin foot for thermal testing of footwear.
Children's manikin foot for thermal testing of children's footwear.
Termo Cylinder
Test of lifejacket stability (torque test) according to 6.15 in: ASD-STAN-prEN 4862; Rotorcraft Constant wear Lifejacket